Billy Johnson
Chief Lobbyist - Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc (ISRI)
William “Billy” Johnson is the Chief Lobbyist at the Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI) in Washington, D.C. Billy works closely with ISRI members to formulate and advance proactive recycling policy strategies for a variety of issues, such as electronics recycling, trade promotion, rail transportation and recycling equipment tax policies.Billy has been leading efforts in Washington, D.C. to establish a bi-partisan Congressional Recycling Caucus with the goal of creating a permanent and long-term approach to educating policymakers, promoting the recycling industry, and advancing recycling issues on Capitol Hill.Accordingly, Billy actively activates ISRI’s members through a constituent-based advocacy program using Membership Fly-In Days and Congressional facility tours to communicate and advance the recycling industry’s priorities. Billy has a B.A. in Political Science and Economics from North Carolina State University and a Masters in Public Administration from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. In his spare time, he dreams of a shiny red Porsche convertible.
“As ISRI’s Chief Lobbyist for nearly two decades, Billy Johnson has raised ISRI’s voice on Capitol Hill and within 3 Presidential Administrations, so that the recycling industry is recognized as never before,” said ISRI President Robin Weiner. “Billy has helped our members understand the importance of grassroots involvement through both Washington and district fly-ins, one-on-one meetings with congressional offices and facility tours. Through all these efforts he has ensured that the recycling industry’s presence is known in Washington and saved the industry hundreds of millions of dollars in the process.”